Entering the Cloud of Witnesses

I will be going to the 217th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in Birmingham, AL called "So Great a Cloud of Witnesses." I am a Theological Student Advisory Delegate otherwise known as a TSAD. I have voice and vote in committee and voice on the floor. They poll the advisory delegates prior to major votes to assertain their opinion. Join me on my summer adventure into the life of the larger church.

Location: Kansas City, United States

I am a teacher and a preacher with a love of music and knowledge. Born in raised in Norman, OK I am Sooner born and Sooner bred!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wednesday...an incredibly long day.

This morning has been odd. There are many who are hurt and wounded, some lash out, some don’t. There was a statement in my mailbox this morning by the constitutional Presbyterians. Like New Wineskins, this group is looking to see if they will leave or not. The next year will be a bumpy ride.

Speak out – this is what was said during our afternoon speak out. Most of the TSADs stood in support of this and there were some who couldn’t in good conscious stand with us and that is okay too
The Theological Student Advisory Delegates gathered around this mic represent a diversity of theological views. In light of the decisions made thus far by this assembly, we, who represent our theological institutions, covenant to worship, study and pray with our fellow classmates that we might earnestly step forth as leaders, as the church enters this season of discernment.

We have a vision of unity. We will strive, through our various ministries, to be faithful to Scripture and to work to rediscover our theological identity and to encourage those we shepherd to do the same. We are committed to promoting peace and Christian love within our denomination. We seek to serve with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love as we work to walk a path that leads us to peace, unity and purity.

We want to be faithful to our calling and to trust in God alone. We stand united, even in diversity, and call to the church to do the same.

In light of action taken at the 217th GA, the church faces a bumpy road. The level of trust is at an all time low as many groups threaten to leave. Unfortunately many of the people at the assembly use moments on the platform when presenting for other purposes. As a professor of NT at Pittsburg stated, “You asked us to trust you, we will never trust you again.” I have a problem with this. He is using time to speak to a specific peace of business to air his own opinions to the body.

Now more than ever, the church is in need of building trust. We must build trust through study of Scripture and teaching of theology. Our church, now more than ever, must rediscover its theological identity. Even many of the folk at GA struggle with theology and instead are swayed by opinions and feelings.

We are in the midst of the Divestment issue. The committee drafted an overture based on the billions of overtures that were sent. The motion on the floor is to end the debate. But we are voting to amend or not, I vote no. Then the original motion would be on the floor. No amendment, now the main motion (parliamentary cat juggling). I really like one of the paragraphs “To urge that financial investments of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as they pertain to Israel, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank, be INVESTED in only peaceful pursuits, and affirm that the customary corporate engagement process of the Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investments of our denomination is the proper vehicle for achieving this goal.” I like that this is to take action in a more positive light. To reward those who work for peace.. It passed overwhelmingly (94%).

We are behind on the order of the day as of 5:30. We are here until we finish tonight. Woo hoo! Could be a late one.

We finally started about 8:30 – worship went long. Right now we are discussing the closing of the Montreat Historical Society. This is an emotional issue. The committee deliberated for 10 hours and came to the conclusion to close the MHS. Right now there is a substitute motion on the floor to keep it open. If MHS is closed, the collection moves to Columbia Seminary which is wanting to start an American Church History department.

One of the most fascinating things to me about this process is the former moderators. They speak sparingly, but poignantly. They speak to the issues that are close to their heart. We just heard from Marj Carpenter, probably the oldest living moderator. She recounted a meeting with folks who stated 20 some odd years ago that they would not close the historical society. The others are dead, but she was not dead. How do you argue that??

One of the things that is annoying is the politics that drive many people. Money is an issue time to time, but more often than not, like the rest of the world, what drives many people is power and politics. To listen to many people who were spouting the company lines. The pastor commissioner from my presbytery made a great comment. On one side were folks who said vote for my view and the other side has folks who say vote for my view. In watching both sides, one side is angry, yelling, and dogmatic. The other is calm, willing to talk, and listen. So on which side does it appear that the Spirit is working?

We are starting Health Issues. Consent agenda passed, now onto full inclusion of people with disabilities. Later we have late term abortion. It is now 10:10pm we are still on health issues. We have about 3 more overtures for this committee and one more committee that we have to get done tonight. We may be here until my flight leaves tomorrow. We’ll see.

It is now10:25 and we are starting action on the last committee. Social Justice.
It is 11:00 and we are about halfway through the committee.
It is now 12:00….not done yet. …I am tired…..too much parliamentary cat juggling. Amend the amendment of the amended motion. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Finished. Finally. We sang 1 verse of "Come Thou Font" and closed in prayer at 12:30. Wow am I tired. Tomorrow morning is the last. This has been a great experience. I have seen the best and the worst of Presbyterians. I have discovered the best and the worst of myself in the midst of the Great Cloud of Witnesses. I have made new friends. I have started creating a network. I have discovered the importance of being unapologetically theological...(which I need to keep working on) and I have rediscovered the importance of officer training, Bible study and theological education in the church.

More later, but I am tired.
Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me.


Blogger Bobbie Giltz McGarey said...

I watched this from 8:15 on praying for all the assembly. Good work

5:22 PM  
Blogger Jenn Cannon said...

Hey! Just getting around to reading everyone's blogs... loved this update. You've captured how we all felt, I think...

Amend the amendment of the amended motion. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
AMEN, Sister!! :)

Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me.
Another AMEN! May we be the voice of peace, together. I am so glad to have met you, my friend, and I look forward to our ministries together!!

12:58 PM  

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