Entering the Cloud of Witnesses

I will be going to the 217th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in Birmingham, AL called "So Great a Cloud of Witnesses." I am a Theological Student Advisory Delegate otherwise known as a TSAD. I have voice and vote in committee and voice on the floor. They poll the advisory delegates prior to major votes to assertain their opinion. Join me on my summer adventure into the life of the larger church.

Location: Kansas City, United States

I am a teacher and a preacher with a love of music and knowledge. Born in raised in Norman, OK I am Sooner born and Sooner bred!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thoughts from the last day

Finally, a tired traveler has gotten home. My flight was delayed for a couple hours in Birmingham because of weather in Houston, which was fortunate because my connection was delayed too. Spent most of the flight from Birmingham to Houston talking to a pastor from Kileen, TX about GA. We spent a lot of time on the Trinity paper. Spent time in the airport talking to a couple of fellow TSADs as well as Dr. Bill Carl, President, Pittsburgh Seminary.

There are 2 things I want to share tonight. I will however, continue to post before I go to Montreat, but right now just 2 things.

Pastoral Advice from the Moderator
1. Avoid Gossip
2. Avoid Slander or attributing motive
3. Tell people "Don't believe all you see in the media"
4. Straighten out grudges before leaving (reminded me of "when at the altar you remember...")

She presented these as a way to begin the healing process. Great words especially now, but always!

Birmingham Pledge - this was shared by Pastor Commissioner (and moderatorial candidate) Deborah Block.

The Birmingham Pledge

I believe that every person has worth as an individual.
I believe that every person is entitled to dignity and respect,
regardless of race or color.
I believe that every thought and every act of racial prejudice is harmful;
if it is my thought or act, then it is harmful to me as well as to others.
Therefore, from this day forward I will strive daily to eliminate racial prejudice
from my thoughts and actions.
I will discourage racial prejudice by others at every opportunity.
I will treat all people with dignity and respect;
and I will strive daily to honor this pledge,
knowing that the world will be a better place because of my effort.



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