Entering the Cloud of Witnesses

I will be going to the 217th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in Birmingham, AL called "So Great a Cloud of Witnesses." I am a Theological Student Advisory Delegate otherwise known as a TSAD. I have voice and vote in committee and voice on the floor. They poll the advisory delegates prior to major votes to assertain their opinion. Join me on my summer adventure into the life of the larger church.

Location: Kansas City, United States

I am a teacher and a preacher with a love of music and knowledge. Born in raised in Norman, OK I am Sooner born and Sooner bred!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday morning and a vision for the future.

State of the Church and visioning for the future
This panel was Mark Achtemeier, Susan Andrews, Jack Haberer, Joan Gray, and Barbara Wheeler

Mark Achtemeier talked about the sub-groups that have invaded not only the church, but our culture and that Paul points away from sub-group loyalty to loyalty only unto Christ. The cross must be our focus, not own agenda group

Susan Andrews spoke of the ancient future church. The return to essential values, she listed 5.
1. Connectional, not just vertical, but horizontal as well. We make better decisions together than alone.
2. Contextual – move from tribal to immigrant church where all is celebrated
3. Christological. Jesus is our foundation and our story, our particular
4. Transformational – not conformed to the world. Must create a counter culture before we can create a kingdom culture. Need to reach out in love and be prepared to be crucified
5. Theology of vocation – to be imitators of Christ. Embracing and empowering people. To love and live Jesus.

Jack Haberer compared the church to a roller coaster ride, which several attendees admitted they are not fond of. The church has been paralyzed by fear (made me think of my ecclesiological terrorism comment). Our distrust has created control freaks and this past GA showed that the affinity groups no longer dictate our standards, the governing bodies do.
My favorite quote of the day “Some folks will be ordained who you and I don’t think should be. So what else is new?”
Churches must become giving and self emptying, to give up control and enjoy the ride.

Joan Gray talked about the church from a family systems view point. Anxiety is high so we cast blame and act out. Trust is hard to come by in a culture that is cynical and doesn’t take things at face value. If we do not continue to build trust, the trust we had will erode. We must be intentional about building trust. We are a voluntary organization and without trust we have nothing. Pastors and Presbytery execs hold the real power in the church and need to seek horizontal connectivity. There also needs to be a push for more spiritual leadership from Elders who are empowered and brought alongside to lead congregations.

Barbara Wheeler expressed her disappointment with GA’s dealing with PUP. She remarked that the less we have to do with those who differ from us, the less tolerant we become. This is what is going on in the church and what the task force hoped to overcome. We need respectful conversation that helps us explore ethical issues not political issues. To hold onto faith seeking understanding. She urged all theological institutions to work only toward unity.

There was a time for Q&A after and the issue of theological institutions came up. What I wondered after this panel, was what specifically can we do at APTS to increase trust. I think it starts with community. We must be intentional in working on community as well as trust. We must be intentional in sitting down and talking about issues ethically and theologically, not politically. We need to work toward being focused on head knowledge, but make intentional space for gut reaction and heart felt response.


Blogger Jenn Cannon said...

Thank you! For being there, for being a voice I trust, for sharing with us what is happening there. I really wish I could have found a way to be there with you.

The timing is perfect... I'm preaching on Sunday... and going to be speaking about unity in the church. This will help immensely.

Looking forward to hearing more.

7:13 PM  
Blogger Karen Wagner said...

I think there are 4 seminarians here. 2 from Princeton who were in the class at GA and Jill Tolbert and I. It would be nice to see more seminary folk and just younger folk in general. There are many older folks and I think if they saw the fire and passion within the younger generation, it would ease their minds about the future.

8:12 PM  

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